Preamble to the Emergence of ITA

Human survival and evolution rest upon two critical pillars viz. (1.) an environment which provides access to contemporary learning skills in a rapidly changing global setting, and (2.) a political framework for participation according to constitutional and legal entitlements without discrimination. Democracy cannot flourish without active citizen participation. Participation requires capacity for the cultivation and application of democratic principles. The capacity to develop, understand and apply democratic principles must be generated in turn through an education process. 


The objectives of the Trust are to:

  • Embark upon appropriate institutional arrangements to explore, experiment, research and implement quality alternatives committed to educational excellence in a global setting.
  • Establish an institute for professional development for educators, for undertaking reforms, and implement high standards of practice.
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Vision and Mission


“To promote education as a comprehensive process for human and social transformation”

Mission Statement

To actively pursue universal access and standard setting in education as a comprehensive learning experience for human evolution and consciousness by creating contemporary education systems for all children without discrimination due to gender, class, age, religion, color and ethnicity and, endeavoring to address educational bottlenecks through timely resource mobilization and influencing of public policy.